Those of you who follow my blog know that we have a clove tree. Unlike most years, it didn't bloom last year, but this year it started in January. After a while the clove buds look like this:
To illustrate the difference between cloves and clove seeds, in the top row on the left there are clove buds, on the right there are dried clove buds, which is what you get when you buy spice cloves

In the second row, on the left there are clove fruit (with pollinated seeds) and on the right clove seeds.
Clove seeds cannot be dried and be viable. A clove seed that turns brown is most likely dead (sorry to say).
Clove seedlings look like this after a while:

It is generally not a good idea to have more than one seedling in one planter because clove trees/seedlings positively hate to have their rootballs disturbed.
OK, clove plants are finicky, they really are. People have told me that it is close to impossible to transplant ohias. I got pretty good at that. Transplanting clove seedlings is yet a different level. But, if you put each seed into its own planter and transplant before they get root bound (and get the whole root ball out in one piece) you're pretty much home free.
Currently I have clove seeds available in my Etsy and Artfire shops and I have some seedlings available locally but I can't ship the seedlings (anywhere, including inter-island)
I hope to have cloves available to ship soon but I don't know yet to where I can do that without major paperwork.
good post
im almost sure that i saw this tree arround , never thought its clove tree,
acctually i tought clove was a plant : lol
good post iwill go a checkout a certaint tree that grows like this one in the first photo, if thats close well thats greeat !
You can tell for sure by that the whole tree has the fragrance of cloves. I started using clove tree leaves for cooking and canning long before our tree started blooming.
i see thanks for telling,
well if the tree has clove fragrance i dont think its a clove tree that i passed by! its something else !
can you take more photos of the tree so that i can see details! i wanna memorize it so i can recognize it if i see it in the future !
it isnt the bay tree is it ?
Congratulations for your clove tree. I would like to have Access to clove plants or seeds in Spain, but still no success on my search.
I tried to send clove seeds to Spain once. They took about a month to get there and were mostly spoiled by the time they got there. I don't currently have any, sorry.
Hi, do you have clove seeds for sale at present? I am in Venezuela. Thanks.
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